Brandfolder Insights Data Connector


Brandfolder's Insights Data Connector allows customers to connect directly to their own data. The data is housed in Google BigQuery within a unique Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project which is established for the customer. The data can be accessed with any existing BigQuery connection method using a GCP account associated with the customer GCP project. The data is refreshed nightly.

Assets CDN Aggregates Events Events with Share Links Events with User Sessions


The current version of the Insights Data Connector includes the following schemas, with more tables and columns planned in future versions. These tables exist within the brandfolder dataset in the customer’s GCP project. Each table can be accessed with the path <GCP-project-name>.brandfolder.<table_name>.

Here is an example test query to use, replacing with the slug (unique identifier) for your organization.

SELECT * FROM `bfdc-<org-slug>.brandfolder.assets` LIMIT 1000


The collections column is an array. For notes on how to query array-type columns in BigQuery, please reference this BigQuery documentation.

availability possible values are: published, unpublished, expired, pending approval.

type possible values are: Color, ExternalMedium, Font, GenericFile, Person, Press, Text.

Column Data Type
key String
name String
description String
brandfolder_key String
section_name String
type String
availability String
availability_start Timestamp
availability_end Timestamp
collections ARRAY (String)
created_at Timestamp


Column Data Type
key String
filename String
asset_key String
created_at Timestamp


privacy possible values are: public, private, stealth.

slug is a unique identifier for your organization.

Column Data Type
key String
name String
slug String
privacy String
created_at Timestamp

CDN Aggregates

This table contains daily aggregates of CDN hits, grouped by object and referrer link.

Objects can either be assets or attachments. It is recommended to join to both assets and attachments when consuming this table to get a full picture of CDN hits.

object_type possible values are: asset, attachment.

Column Data Type
object_key String
object_type String
event_date Date
referrer_link String
hit_count Integer
bytes_sum Integer
cdn_link String
brandfolder_key String


privacy can contain three values: public, private, or stealth.

slug is a unique identifier for your organization.

Column Data Type
key String
name String
slug String
privacy String
brandfolder_key String
created_at Timestamp

Custom Field Values

This table custom field values related to assets.

Column Data Type
key String
custom_field_key_name String
value String
asset_key String
created_at Timestamp


This table contains events on objects, where prepositional objects are the location from which the user accessed the object. For example, if a user downloaded an asset from inside a collection, the object would be that asset, and the prepositional object would be the collection.

object_type possible values are: asset, brandfolder, collection.

type possible values are: viewed, downloaded, searched, shared, add_attachments.

prepositional_object_type possible values are: brandfolder, collection, organization, sharelink.

Note when object_type and prepositional_object_type are both set to brandfolder or collection, the respective keys have the same value.

Column Data Type
key String
object_key String
object_type String
type String
prepositional_object_key String
prepositional_object_type String
brandfolder_key String
session_key String
user_key String
created_at Timestamp


This table contains sessions related to events.

Column Data Type
key String
anonymous Boolean
email String
city String
country String
created_at Timestamp


This table contains tags related to assets.

Column Data Type
key String
name String
asset_key String
auto_generated Boolean
created_at Timestamp
deleted_at Timestamp


This table contains your users that may be related to events.

saml_teams are common separated when there is more than one.

Column Data Type
key String
company String
country String
created_at Timestamp
created_with_sso String
deleted_at Timestamp
department String
email String
first_name String
last_active_at Timestamp
last_name String
locale String
saml_teams String
title String
updated_at Timestamp

This table contains data about sharelinks related to asset groups.

context_type possible values are: Brandfolder, Collection, Organization.

Column Data Type
key String
availability_start Timestamp
availability_end Timestamp
context_type String
context_brandfolder_key String
created_at Timestamp
deleted_at Timestamp
name String
private_link Boolean
link String
view_only Boolean

This table contains data about sharelinks related to assets.

Column Data Type
share_link_key String
asset_key String